Describe how you would attempt to solve this issue so that a mix design can be completed and paving proceed.
Describe how you would attempt to solve this issue so that a mix design can be completed and paving proceed.
January 29, 2021 Comments Off on Describe how you would attempt to solve this issue so that a mix design can be completed and paving proceed. Assignment Assignment helpYour company is involved in an international infrastructure project in Central America that includes HMA paving. The paving will be done by a local, in-country contractor. The owner (a Central American government agency) wants you and the contractor to use the “latest” HMA mix design process (Superpave was recommended by the Central American government) but the Marshall method has been used in the country for decades. Further, the contractor will do the mix design and has used the Marshall mix design method successfully for many years. Bottom line: the agency wants Superpave and the contractor Marshall. Describe how you would attempt to solve this issue so that a mix design can be completed and paving proceed.

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