Write a research paper where you explain the technical aspects of the construction and formulas needed to ensure your design will work.

Write a research paper where you explain the technical aspects of the construction and formulas needed to ensure your design will work.
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Construct a catapult

The main idea of this research paper is to write about what you would like to incorporate into your design project. You are to explain the technical aspects of the construction and formulas needed to ensure your design will work.
Please answer the following information in the report for your design project:
• What is the current state of the industry? i.e. What have people done? How will yours differ?
• Show at least 2 examples of projects or designs that relate to your project.
• What are the dimensions that must be followed for the design project?
• The body of the paper may not exceed 3 pages. A cover page and a reference page will not be included in your page count. Use single space and font size of 12. If you use headings, they may be size 14.
• All references must be listed (must have at least 6) and 2 of them must be scholarly based (Journals, books, etc.).
• Use IEEE Format. This is usually the standard for most engineering reports.


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