How does the meat get cooked?

How does the meat get cooked?
January 30, 2021 Comments Off on How does the meat get cooked? Assignment Assignment help

According to Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Use this lab format Lab # TITLE: Objective: Description: Devices and Tools: Conclusion: To do: Lab #2 Thermostat Readings and Temp. Heat Transfer – Thought Experiment. Purpose of the Experiment: You must decide which System will cook the Meat (Steak 3-inch thick and 5 pounder) Faster…? Scenario: You are in BBQ will 5 friends, you are betting which Meat gets cooked faster and how???? You’ll have TWO exact cuts of meats A, B, two exact grills. The Charcoal is exactly the same. EVERYTHING is the same… except… The only difference is the A – on top of a GRILL. But B – is a Kabob (It’s thin metal skewer that’s going thru the meat) You are cooking this meat at 250ºF… I would like to know the ____K value. You must show your work. **** : How does the meat gets cooked? Fully… Tell me which meat gets to be cooked FASTER: A? or B? and WHY?


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