Spatial Clustering and GIS applied in climate change prediction using satellite images (Vietnam).
Spatial Clustering and GIS applied in climate change prediction using satellite images (Vietnam).
January 31, 2021 Comments Off on Spatial Clustering and GIS applied in climate change prediction using satellite images (Vietnam). Assignment Assignment helpPh.D. Thesis topic proposal Topic: Spatialclustering and (GIS)applied in climate change prediction using Satellite images(Vietnam) Pages: 7 pages. Research Contents below : 1. Introduction: Stating the reasons for choosing the topic, the urgency, the novelty of the research problem, the scientific and practical significance. 2. Research Overview (Literature review): The author needs to synthesize the researches done at home and abroad related to the research issue of the candidate, thereby needing to analyze comments on the results and limitations/gaps of those studies. to highlight the urgency and feasibility of the subject matter. In which the candidate should clearly state his own opinions and solutions •Research background in flooded areas, •Analysis •Motivation for the research •State of the art •Chalenges and how to overcome current challenges. 3. Research objective, contents, subjects, and methods: •The objective of the topic is based on the expected name of the topic, the research results that have been achieved to set the research target to solve the problem. •Research content: content must be based on research objectives, the entire research content of the topic is to solve set objectives. •Object of research: is the object that the topic is expected to study, in which it is necessary to clearly state the scope and limit of the topic, of the research object (it is possible to put the topic limit at the end of item 5) •Research methodology: The author needs to clearly state each method that the topic will apply to ensure the achievement of the proposed goal-content of the topic, methods of experimental arrangement, data collection, data processing, etc. The research methods are presented according to each research content. Research Objective Research Contents Subject Research Methodology i.e., issues require solving in the research 4. Related research, work performed by the candidate (Publication by candidate) 5. Work Plan – Progress of research: The plan should be detailed and specific according to the contents and activities to ensure the candidate’s goal of implementing the course and thesis. Progress made by Quarter – year e.g. Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr4 6. Expected results Outlining the expected results, new contributions to science and practice. The number of papers in details as contribution during the PhD.e.g. student must complete 3 conference paper, 3 journals papers 7. List of references List of references presented under the regulations. Presenting references in(alphabetically ranked author)

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