Will the impact of COVID-19 mean a change in approach to sustainability as the aviation industry recovers?
Will the impact of COVID-19 mean a change in approach to sustainability as the aviation industry recovers?
February 1, 2021 Comments Off on Will the impact of COVID-19 mean a change in approach to sustainability as the aviation industry recovers? Assignment Assignment helpWill the impact of COVID-19 mean a change in approach to sustainability as the aviation industry recovers? COVID-19 has dramatically changed the world of aviation. Sustainability aspects are likely to have a great(er) impact on the industry as it looks to recover into the “new normal”. Select a company of your choice within the air transport industry and research its financial performance and sustainability goals up-to-date. Critically evaluate whether these goals are still valid or need to be amended and develop a strategy for 2021-26. • Select a relevant company within the air transport industry. • Research and summarise the sustainability goals of the company. Briefly review the financial performance of the company and assess the impact of COVID-19 on its performance during 2020. • Consider what changes might take place or have already begun in a “green recovery” from the pandemic, for example in transport, green energy and green investment. Assess whether these are relevant for the company of your choice. • Develop an environmental strategy for the next five-years and explain whether it is a continuation of the current strategic goals or whether there are amendments or improvements that should be built into the objectives. • Consider whether these are viable within the financial constraints of your chosen company. kindly follow the coursework guidlines attached and the coursework style attached also requires good number of sources .
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