Descartes’ Dreaming Argument .
Descartes’ Dreaming Argument .
February 4, 2021 Comments Off on Descartes’ Dreaming Argument . Assignment Assignment helpIn 1200-1500 Words: Your task is to write an essay in response to ONE (1) of these three arguments— 1. Descartes’ Dreaming Argument 2. Descartes’ Evil Demon Argument 3. Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument. Your essay should accomplish two tasks. First, you need to clearly summarize the argument to which you’re responding. While you do not need to put the argument in premise-premise-conclusion form, you should be able to clearly summarize the reasoning in the author’s argument. Here, it is important that you interpret the author charitably—do not misinterpret their argument just so you can show how the author is obviously wrong. You should not spend more than 300 words on this part of your essay. Second, and most importantly, you need to critically respond to the argument you choose. Critically responding involves either: 1) Raising an objection: You make your own argument about why one of Descartes’ or Bostrom’s premises is false. DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE AN OBJECTION YOUR CHOSEN AUTHOR CONSIDERS AND THEN REJECTS. 2) Providing additional support for an argument: You make your own argument that shows why one of the premises is correct. DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE SUPPORTING REASONS YOUR CHOSEN AUTHOR GIVES IN SUPPORT OF HIS OWN ARGUMENT.

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