Determine the cost to build and operate a hardware store in San Paulo Brazil.

Determine the cost to build and operate a hardware store in San Paulo Brazil.
February 4, 2021 Comments Off on Determine the cost to build and operate a hardware store in San Paulo Brazil. Assignment Assignment help

Determine the cost to build and operate a hardware store in San Paulo Brazil. If possible, use a store like home depot or Lowes to get the research. You must also estimate the costs of the required inventory inside the store and the hiring and training of employees to begin operations. For this project, your team only needs to research and provide high-level budget estimates for the various work packages or the higher-level work activities. For example, building the store itself might be broken down into design, site preparation (your company already owns the land), permit costs, plumbing, electrical, etc. Or, you may prefer to just use major categories such as design, build, and outfit. Consider other project procurements that may be required for your project. Develop your own project cost estimate template. While your research will yield material, labor, and overhead cost data in Brazilian real (BRL), for the purpose of this assignment, you will convert all cost figures to US dollars (USD). The more detailed the better include these if possible •design the new store building, garage, parking lots, and landscaping •obtain required licenses and permits •prepare the site and lay the foundation •construct the new store building and finish the interior •construct the garage and garden center •outfit the store with shelves, fixtures, and IT systems (e.g., communications and payment systems) •pave the parking lots and landscape the exterior of the store •stock the store with inventory (For this project, stick to a storewide, high-level inventory budget, though you may have to make estimates based on different product categories, such as lumber, hardware, appliances, etc.) •staff, hire, and train store personnel •marketing or publicity •other actions and costs related to operation of the new store.


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