COVID 19 how it effected me.

COVID 19 how it effected me.
February 6, 2021 Comments Off on COVID 19 how it effected me. Assignment Assignment help

Instructions: A turning point in your life can also be an Epiphany, an Aha! moment where you discovered something about your life: your belief system, philosophy, or outlook. While these moments can be joyous, and inspiring, quite often they stem from pain, death, or disaster. These are some very strong emotions that can be channeled into your writing; use them to add feeling and power to your prose. It is through these experiences that we see the ‘mythic truths about human nature’, as Card says above, more so they are what help us in defining our own identities. Finally, you must identify what you learned from this experience; pinpoint how it changed your world view, personal perspective, or caused you to reflect on your life, what you have done so far, and what you hope to accomplish in the future. My points: – I was stressed because of COVID 19 – I didn’t feel like doing anything – I was secared I didn’t want to catch COVID and get sick. -it was hard to focus in school because of COVID How it changed my worlds views: -it made me look at life from a different perspective -it made me spend more time with my family -it made me not take life for granted -it made me was my hands more/ hand sensitize more often


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