How would activities such as web browsing work?
How would activities such as web browsing work?
February 6, 2021 Comments Off on How would activities such as web browsing work? Assignment Assignment helpLinux Implementation Proposal: Client Response Memo (due at the end of Week 5) Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior management team has responded to the presentation with the following questions and concerns: How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers? End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files? The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows? Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option? How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software? How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How will we share files between the different system types? The deliverable for this phase of the project is a memo. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the questions must be fully answered with sufficient detail.

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