Are adults with higher trait procrastination more likely to be higher users of social media?
Are adults with higher trait procrastination more likely to be higher users of social media?
February 8, 2021 Comments Off on Are adults with higher trait procrastination more likely to be higher users of social media? Assignment Assignment helpResearch Report (50%) – 1500 to 2000 words Overview The aim of this assessment is to enable you to practice writing and preparing a research report. You should be able to demonstrate that you can critically evaluate the literature on a given topic, communicate a research aim, construct a hypothesis, and discuss research findings. No statistical analysis will be required (this will be provided to you); however, some general descriptive data may need to be calculated (e.g., demographic data, and basic means and standard deviations for some variables). For the literature review, five (5) references will be provided to you, but at least five (5) more must be found, and referred to, in your report. 2020 Term 1 and Term 3 Research topic: “The relationship between social media use and procrastination” Example research question: Are adults with higher trait procrastination more likely to be higher users of social media? Example hypothesis: Trait procrastination will be positively correlated with social media use

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