Discuss the importance of this first person persona in the poems and use examples from at least one poem from each poet.
Discuss the importance of this first person persona in the poems and use examples from at least one poem from each poet.
February 8, 2021 Comments Off on Discuss the importance of this first person persona in the poems and use examples from at least one poem from each poet. Assignment Assignment helpThe poems for this assignment are from ″the norton anthology world literature″ Volume B. 4th edition. Im thinking this is pretty common knowledge among literature writers so you do not need the book….I only need 2 paragraphs, one per question. this is just a writing discussion, meaning its not a big fancy paper… QUESTION 1)) In the Classical Sanskrit Lyric poetry, our text explains that the poets use three elements in composing their short verses: “meaning is grounded in language, and each word signifies at three levels: denotation, which supplied the word’s literal or conventional meaning; connotation, which includes one or more secondary associative meanings; and suggestion, which produces a broader range of meanings evoked by the word’s placement in a particular larger structure, such as a sentence, verse, or prose passage. For example, the word ‘village’ by itself denotes ‘a small group of houses in a rural area’; it connotes life on a farm, a world with barnyard animals, a close-knit community, and a lack of urban amenities. In a phrase like ‘the village on the banks of the Ganges,’ however, the word suggests other, unexpected meanings: an exotic landscape, the coolness and serenity of a river, timelessness and simplicity, peace and holiness.” Choose one of the poems in the Classical Sanskrit Lyrics and illustrate examples of denotation, connotation, and suggestion. //////these are the poems to choose from….″i havent been the cloud″ when shes out of sight″ ″when i knew little″ ″to his patron″ ″a human being″ ″as the sun rises and sets″ ″for a moment hes a child″ QUESTION 2)) The poetry of Hanshan and Li Bo both rely heavily on the first person point of view, using “I” quite often in their verses. Discuss the importance of this first person persona in the poems and use examples from at least one poem from each poet.

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