Writer’s choice
Writer’s choice
February 8, 2021 Comments Off on Writer’s choice Assignment Assignment helpGr. 7 Unit 3 Performance Task For this question, you will write an essay based on one of the passage(s) or videos we have watched/ read. Write your essay in the space provided on the next two pages. Your writing will: • Present and develop a central idea. • Provide evidence and/or details from the passage(s). • Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Prompt: Using the article Crossroads, the story Thank You Ma’am, or the video and sсrіpt for The Ending of Toy Story 3: Andy Says Goodbye , write a three-paragraph essay that explains a turning point for one character in one articles/stories/videos. Be sure to provide the following: Definition of a Turning Point The Context or Situation The Title What the Turning Point Is What Causes or Leads to the Turning Point The Significance of the Turning Point (What it means for the character) Be sure to provide textual evidence from the text to support your opinions. Use your Individual Student Text Graphic organizer and your Thank You, Ma′am – Individual Student Text Graphic Organizer to find all the information you need – statements of opinion and evidence. Paragraph 1 – Your Introduction: What is the turning point for the character? A turning point in a story is (Put your desсrіption of what a turning point is here.) In the story/article put the title of the story here, (Describe the context of the turning point here.) The character (character’s name)’s turning point, change, or decision is (Use what you have in your graphic organizer to explain what the turning point is for the character here.) Your Evidence for what the turning point is: In the text it states, (Use the Evidence you have in your graphic organizer here.) Paragraph 2 – What led to or caused the turning point: What led to or caused the turning point is (Put your explanation of what caused the turning point here.) Your Evidence for what led to or caused the turning point : In the text it says, (Use the Evidence you have in your graphic organizer here. Don’t forget quotation marks!) Paragraph 3 – What is the significance of the turning point for the character? The significance of the turning point for put the character’s name here is (put your explanation of the significance of the turning point here.

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