Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) the difference between direct and indirect use values; be sure to include an example in your explanation.

Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) the difference between direct and indirect use values; be sure to include an example in your explanation.
February 9, 2021 Comments Off on Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) the difference between direct and indirect use values; be sure to include an example in your explanation. Assignment Assignment help

1.Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) the difference between direct and indirect use values; be sure to include an example in your explanation. 2.Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) why GDP is not an accurate measure of a country’s productivity. Be sure to include the terms “consumptive use value” and “indirect use values.” 3.Which of the following use value categories most accurately fits the following situation? Choose from the following use values: Direct use value: Consumptive use value, Direct use value: Productive use value, Indirect use value: Ecosystem productivity, Indirect use value: Water and soil protection, Indirect use value: Climate regulation, Indirect use value: Species relationships / environmental monitors, Indirect use value: Amenity value, Indirect use value: Educational and scientific value, and/or Indirect use value: Optional value. Multiple answers may be possible. Defend your answer in 1 or 2 sentences. A beaver-built dam that reduces flooding downstream. Downstream, there are agricultural lands tended by farmers. 4.Which of the following use value categories most accurately fits the following situation? Choose from the following use values: Direct use value: Consumptive use value, Direct use value: Productive use value, Indirect use value: Ecosystem productivity, Indirect use value: Water and soil protection, Indirect use value: Climate regulation, Indirect use value: Species relationships / environmental monitors, Indirect use value: Amenity value, Indirect use value: Educational and scientific value, and/or Indirect use value: Optional value. Defend your answer in 1 or 2 sentences. A hot, mostly barren desert that lacks trees and possesses only a small number of shrubs and bushes. This desert is not adjacent to any surrounding human habitations. In this desert live lizards, burrowing owls, cacti, spiders, insects, and, of course, a wide range of bacteria and other microscopic organisms both described and undescribed.


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