Write an Event Inventory Research.

Write an Event Inventory Research.
February 9, 2021 Comments Off on Write an Event Inventory Research. Assignment Assignment help

Most attendees at festivals and events pay attention to attractions, entertainment, and the layout. In this assignment, you will investigate an event through the eyes of a sponsorship professional.

For this assignment, you will either attend or research a public event and itemize 10 sponsorship inventory assets. You may include inventory assets that are already being sponsored, or identify assets that you feel have potential for sponsorship.

Assets can include (but are not limited to):

Event title
Venue title
Major features or attractions
Official supplier designations
Creative promotions or sponsorships
For each of the 10 inventory items, answer the following questions:

Is there a current sponsor? If yes, does it seem like a good fit? If no, what types of sponsors would make a good fit?
Does the inventory item target the general audience or a distinct target within the event audience? If the latter, what appears to be the target?
What type of creative activation or enhancement would give the asset greater value for a sponsor? Give examples of sponsors if necessary.

Reports should:

Utilize clear and concise writing
Be between 3-5 pages in length
Be written in point form (preferred)
Include photos or graphics, as these will contribute to the event participation and creativity grading portions of the assignment


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