Create two programs from the pseudocode created in the Session 4 Using Pseudocode to Plan a Program.

Create two programs from the pseudocode created in the Session 4 Using Pseudocode to Plan a Program.
February 15, 2021 Comments Off on Create two programs from the pseudocode created in the Session 4 Using Pseudocode to Plan a Program. Assignment Assignment help

Create two programs from the pseudocode created in the Session 4 Using Pseudocode to Plan a Program. Just as a reminder, these pseudocodes were used for calculating the BMI of an individual and were created for both the if logic and the switch/case logic options. You will need to create a program using the if logic and then another program using the switch/case logic. It is suggested you wait for your instructor’s feedback on your pseudocode before starting this week’s assignment. Before getting started, review the following two videos, also found in this week’s Reading and Viewing Assignments: The following video is a great example of a program that is similar to what you will be creating this week: Video: C++ Program to Convert Yards to Feet (6:58) The following video is good review for assistance with inputs and outputs, which is very similar to the concepts you need for this week’s assignment: Video: C++ Food Calorie Calculation Program (5:30) It is highly recommended to augment your pseudocode with an IPO Chart, which just means using the concept of inputs, process, and output. Both videos explain this very well and will help when transforming your pseudocode into C++. Turn the pseudocode from Session 4 Using Pseudocode to Plan a Program into two C++ programs using Visual Studio, which is accessed through the VDI environment. In order to access the VDI environment, follow the steps provided in the VDI module located in the left-hand sidebar. Make sure to look at all the different numeric types. The int only produces whole numbers so look for the type that produces decimal numbers. For example, name is a string and it can also be an array of characters. Prompts to input name, height, and weight. Refer to the Basic Input/Output link or the Variables and Types link, both found in the Reading and Viewing Assignments, for further assistance in how to complete this. Use this information to calculate the user’s body mass indicator (BMI). BMI is the product of weight (in pounds) times 703, divided by the product of height (in inches) times height (in inches) Display the BMI calculated. Display an appropriate message about what the BMI indicates. Use if logic. A value less than 18.5 is considered underweight. A value of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered normal. A value of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight. A value of 30 and greater is considered obese. Allow the user to enter another height and weight. You will end up with two programs which should match your pseudocode: One will be using the if logic and the other will be using the switch/case logic. Hints about programming: Use the following resources, also found in the Reading and Viewing Assignments this week, to better assist you with this project: (n.d.). Basic input/output. (n.d.). Variables and types. Declare data, these are your assignment statements. Create prompts these are your cin, cout and getline prompts. Make sure the code for each program is working. You will need to test both programs in Visual Studio. Testing is expected and will be a part of your grade on this assignment. Create the calculations and display them. Add a loop to your code so that this can be repeated for multiple users, and ensure it works by testing it again in Visual Studio. See Session 5 video for more assistance. Include the following in your submission: A cover page. Two C++ programs, one with the if logic pseudocode and one with the switch/case logic pseudocode. Your switch logic requires the data type of int to work. An int is the data type of an integer. The associated programming tools (the pseudocodes created in the last session).


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