Which aspects of the speech (speaker + verbal and visual content) give you the impression that this speaker can or cannot be trusted and believed?
Which aspects of the speech (speaker + verbal and visual content) give you the impression that this speaker can or cannot be trusted and believed?
February 15, 2021 Comments Off on Which aspects of the speech (speaker + verbal and visual content) give you the impression that this speaker can or cannot be trusted and believed? Assignment Assignment helpOverview This assignment will provide the opportunity for you to watch a speech or presentation, analyze what you observe in relation to concepts from this course, and write down your thoughts, impressions and/or conclusions as short paragraph responses to specific questions. • You will complete this assignment twice this semester, and you will evaluate a diffferent speech/presentation each time. o You will follow this set of instructions for both of your evaluations. o TED Evaluation #1 requires you to evaluate a speech/presentation that is INFORMATIVE. o TED Evaluation #2 requires you to evaluate a speech/presentation that is PERSUASIVE. • Most students select, watch and evaluate a TED talk of their choice that they find at www.ted.com, www.tedx.com, or on TED’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAuUUnT6oDeKwE6v1NGQxug). • However, you may choose to watch a speech from another website if you prefer, as long as the speech or presentation you select meets the following requirements: • Qualifications for the Speech You Select: The speech/presentation you select must meet each of these requirements! 1) An audience approximately 10 + people 2) A “live” presentation at some point in time 3) Ethical content – No hate speech! 4) Not a comedy show, interview, play, concert, movie, debate, or performance Assignment Steps Select and then watch the speech/presentation of your choice for evaluation. Answer each evaluation question (see questions on the next page). Type your answers only in short paragraphs. Include a proper heading at left top of the first page. (See the course syllabus for the heading style.) Submit on Canvas before the assignment deadline. Evaluation Questions (Note: You will see a course concept in italics before each question. This is provided as a signal, or clue, to help you identify the context of the question. Feel free to refer to the textbook or your notes if you need to look up a definitition or explanation of a concept before you answer a question.) You will find a Sample Assignment on the next page to use as a guide as you are preparing your own assignment. 1. Context/Situation. Provide a clear picture by identifying: Speaker, Topic, Setting of the speech, Purpose, Attendees, Props, Visuals, etc. 2. Credibility. Which aspects of the speech (speaker + verbal and visual content) give you the impression that this speaker can or cannot be trusted and believed? 3. Audience-Oriented. Evaluate how, and how effectively, you think the speaker gets the audience interested and involved in their topic. 4. Speech Organization. Which specific patterns or special techniques make information clear and add to audience understanding? Describe any hindrances to the clarity and flow of the presentation. 5. Body Content. State the main points covered in this presentation. Expound on details you find most interesting and/or memorable. 6. Conclusion. Evaluate the impact of the speaker’s closing, commenting on specific techniques. 7. Delivery: Comment on specific ways the speaker used delivery to help the audience process and/or examples of how the speaker’s delivery actually served as a distraction. 8. Building Bridges: Overall, how would you rate the effectiveness of the speaker when it comes to making a connection with the audience? Give specific examples of what they did to make good audience connections and/or what they did that failed to make meaningful audience connections. 9. What lesson(s) have you learned as a developing public speaker from watching this speech – what to do and/or what not to do? 10. Provide the website URL from which you viewed this presentation. Sample Assignment Name SPC1608 Assignment Name (Ex: TED Evaluation #1) Date (when you complete the assignment) 1. Alan Siegel presented a persuasive on a TED stage about how the government should use more common language instead of so much legal jargon in order for people to better understand messages addressed to them. He wanted to get the message across that this is very much possible. There was an audience of about 100 people there. He used many visuals including extensive government documents that he had compressed into 1 page. 2. Mr. Siegel definitely seems like a man that knows what he is talking about. He demonstrated how he has created a program to simplify our legal documents to where the average person can fully understand it. One thing that makes him credible is that he said that the IRS is even looking into using his simplicity program when writing letters to people. 3. Everyone in the audience seemed intrigued by the topic because everyone felt as though they had once been victims of this governmental jargon. Legal jargon had once led them to misunderstand something or even prevented them from doing what was being asked. With showing his visuals of how much of legal papers can be just plain filler words or just the difficult way to say a simple sentence, he captivated the audience’s attention. 4. One thing I did find is that his tone of voice was kind of monotone, but that could be due to his age. He seemed like he was running out of breath at times. The speech did have structure and visuals which made it seem well-organized. 5. First Siegel stated all the potential downfalls of long bills and documents with legal jargon and how much extensive paperwork for any little thing such as getting benefits as a veteran or starting your own small business. Then he explained that he defined simplicity as a means to achieve clarity, empathy, and transparency. Then he proceeded to show how things could be simplified. 6. Siegel concluded his speech with the same sentence that was in his introduction. He wanted to reiterate what simplicity was all about and how we could better things by doing so. He also mentioned how things would be different.

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