Five questions on “The Sublime”

Five questions on “The Sublime”
February 16, 2021 Comments Off on Five questions on “The Sublime” Assignment Assignment help

About the lectures:
1. Burke, E.
– During the lectures we discussed Burke’s notion of the sublime in his book A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful.
Attention was given to the relation between aesthetics and politics and the notion of Power in Burke’s text. We read the following sections. Part I: 3, 6-7, 10-16; Part II: 1-5, 7-8, 22; Part III: 12, 18, 21, 28; Part IV: 3, 5, 6, 16; Part V: 1, 4, 6,7. (Burke__A_philosophical_enquiry.pdf) + (slides week 1 & 2.pptx)

2. Kant (analytic of the beautiful)
– The lectures were also dedicated to Burke and to understanding some of the main arguments and concepts from Kant’s Analytic of the Beautiful in the Critique of Judgement. We read §§1-11.

3. Kant (analytic of the sublime)
– The lectures were dedicated to Kant’s analysis of the sublime (especially §23-28, read at least: 23, 25, 26 and 28, but also Kant’s analytic of the beautiful, focusing on 6, 9 and 10-11) (Kant_CJ_Meredith-Analytic-Sublime.pdf)

4. Schiller (and Nietzsche) and the stoic sublime
– The lectures were dedicated to the analysis of Schiller’s account of the Sublime in his text: Ueber das Erhabene. In this lecture, we began analysing Kant’s dynamically sublime.
(Schiller On the Sublime.pdf) + (slides weeks 3-4-5.pptx)

5. The postmodern sublime: Derrida on Knat’s mathematically sublime
– The lectures were dedicated to Kant’s mathematically sublime and Derrida’s text The Colossal.
([Jacques_Derrida]_The Colossal.pdf) + (summary notes.pdf)

The five short questions are attached in the files, see files. Please follow the instructions given above and please abide by these criteria.

If you have any further questions or if something is not clear and need more clarification, then please contact me.

Thank you very much!

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