Write a paper on Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows
Write a paper on Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows
February 18, 2021 Comments Off on Write a paper on Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities’ Carbon and Material Flows Assignment Assignment helpThe Urban Footprints project focuses on the current as well as the potential future role of cities in combating climate change and resource depletion. It explores accountable modes of governance of cities’ carbon and material footprints in order to activate the transformative forces within cities. The envisaged accountability analysis focuses on key strategic urban development plans such as the respective cities’ climate action and sustainability plans and comprises four key pillars: responsibility, assessment, transparency and participation. Bridging the disciplines of legal sciences, urban planning and environmental sciences, the project will develop a knowledge base, an analysis of opportunities and challenges, as well as recommendations for enhanced accountable governance of urban carbon and material footprints for eight international cities and their respective national jurisdictions: China (Shenzhen), India (New Delhi), United States (New York), Brazil (São Paulo), Nigeria (Lagos), Germany (Hamburg), Egypt (Cairo), Canada (Toronto). The focus of research can be either the reappraisal and critical analysis of urban planning and development in the fields of climate and resource protection. The proposal should be focused on highly populated African Cities like Johannesburg, Lagos, Cairo, Abuja etc. The proposal should have at least three research questions. The methodology(data collection and Analysis) should clearly be stated for the questions limitations within the African cities should also be captured
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