Under what health-related circumstances would Darla need to reschedule the test for Ms. Robinson?
Under what health-related circumstances would Darla need to reschedule the test for Ms. Robinson?
April 9, 2021 Comments Off on Under what health-related circumstances would Darla need to reschedule the test for Ms. Robinson? Assignment Assignment helpAnswer the question(s) below: Darla Huntley, RMA, works in a pulmonology practice. She has been instructed to schedule Betty Robinson for a spirometry within one week. Ms. Robinson has never had one before. After the procedure is scheduled, what information should Darla provide Ms. Robinson to ensure that she is prepared on the day of her test? Under what health-related circumstances would Darla need to reschedule the test for Ms. Robinson? How many maneuvers must be completed for Ms. Robinson’s PFT to be considered successful on the day of her testing?

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