Write a persuasive essay on is there a general difference in treatment costs based on gender for those who have been diagnosed with myocardial infarction (heart attack)?

Write a persuasive essay on is there a general difference in treatment costs based on gender for those who have been diagnosed with myocardial infarction (heart attack)?
April 9, 2021 Comments Off on Write a persuasive essay on is there a general difference in treatment costs based on gender for those who have been diagnosed with myocardial infarction (heart attack)? Assignment Assignment help

Write a persuasive essay on is there a general difference in treatment costs based on gender for those who have been diagnosed with myocardial infarction (heart attack)?
1. Select the correct variables that relate to the research question from the given data 2. Describe the research variables using the appropriate descriptive statistics and narrative summary 3. evaluate the variable’s fitness for a parametric statistical hypothesis test. 4. Then make a statement regarding whether a parametric test or a non-parametric test is appropriate to give an answer to the research question you formulate from your research topic. 5. State the statistical hypothesis test that allows you to give an answer to the research question. 6. State the correct research hypothesis given the research question given to you. 7. State the null hypothesis that will allow you to statistically test the research hypothesis 8. State the alternative hypothesis to the null hypothesis that you specified in step 2 9. State the level of significance that you will use to conduct the test. Note that it is recommended that you use a 0.05 level of significance for the test. 10. State a two-tailed or one-tailed test. 11. Conduct the statistical hypothesis test that will correctly answer the research question (using the formulated statistical hypotheses). 12. Report the result of your test using the calculated test statistic and the p-value for it. 13. State your decision. 14. write a paragraph that summarizes your findings and discusses the implications of what you found out. 15. Write a conclusion paragraph (if you wish, you can include your reflection on what you learned in this class here). As the above outline shows, before using inferential statistics on the variables that you chose, you need to examine the variables using descriptive statistics. This will allow you to evaluate the distributional characteristics of the variables – so as to make sure they are appropriate for the inferential purpose with which you want to treat them to answer your research question. Assessment targets: This authentic assessment evaluates your ability to translate what you learned in this class into action in the following areas: I.Research design: It is important that you correctly specify the research design that will allow you to answer your health research questions. Therefore make sure that you can meet this expectation by reviewing the contents of Lesson 1. II.Data analysis: A very important part of the analysis aspect of this assessment is to determine whether or not you can look at a variable on the data table and: •(a) determine the type of the variable and the level of measurement of the variable •(b) given the level of measurement of the variables, what is/are the appropriate descriptive statistics that you canuse for them •(c) what inferential statistical approach is appropriate to use to answer your research question (e.g., parametric, non-parametric, etc.) •(d) do variables that you selected to meet the assumptions of the inferential approach that you chose for your study? III.Communicating results of the analysis: It is important that you are competent in terms of communicating your findings to members of your professional community through writing. Note that at each end of a topic, you have been learning how to communicate results using the APA style. This is the third aspect of assessment targeted by this project.


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