Cow Eye Dissection Discussion Post.
Cow Eye Dissection Discussion Post.
April 15, 2021 Comments Off on Cow Eye Dissection Discussion Post. Assignment Assignment helpFor this discussion assignment, please do the following: A) Upload 3 images of your Cow Eye Dissection: 1. After removing the fat and connective tissue 2. After making the initial incision through the sclera 3. After completing the cross-section cut and separating the two halves of the eye B) Answer the following questions in your discussion post: 1. What structures of the eye were the easiest to identify? Why? List and describe at least 3. 2. What structures of the eye were the hardest to identify? Why? List and describe at least 3. 3. How well were you able to follow the printed lab guide and/or instructional videos to perform the dissection? Is there anything you would change or improve about the process?

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