why domestic violence should be stop.
why domestic violence should be stop.
April 15, 2021 Comments Off on why domestic violence should be stop. Assignment Assignment helpDescription & RationaleIn this assignment, you will choose a problem: an issue that negatively affects you or other people. You will examine this issue in detail, describe its causes and effects and why it is serious, and then you will propose a practical solution to the problem. Your instructor will provide topic choices related to the theme of Unit 3 “Being Part of the Solution” in Focus on Writing 4. In academic writing, it is important to be able to persuade your reader that a problem exists, that it is serious, an and that there is a realistic way to solve it. In order to be persuasive, a writer must use descriptive and persuasive techniques such as providing evidence, using emotional appeals, and presenting a step-by-step solution. Along with these skills, in this assignment, you will practice creating a paragraphed essay with a thesis statement, strong research support, and effective introduction and conclusion.
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