Conduct a discriminate analysis to distinguish research scientists from teaching professor monguls.

Conduct a discriminate analysis to distinguish research scientists from teaching professor monguls.
February 9, 2021 Comments Off on Conduct a discriminate analysis to distinguish research scientists from teaching professor monguls. Assignment Assignment help

Use Discriminant Analysis

Two parts, please complete each one.

Part1. Using Green and Salkind (version 7e), Lesson 35, complete exercises 1 – 8.

Conduct a discriminate analysis to distinguish research scientists from teaching professor monguls.
• Include the output that includes the research scientist group mean number of publications; grant money univariate ANOVA F statistic

• the discriminant function c2.

• Identify the correctly classified percentage of research scientists;

• the overall correctly classified professor monguls and research scientists.

• Identify the predictor variables that contribute the most to discriminating between the professor monguls and research scientists.

• Create a combined groups plot that displays the classification of the two groups.

The data for Exercises 6 through 8 are in the data file named lesson 35 Exercise File 2
Conduct a discriminate analysis to determine if both discriminate functions should be interpreted. Be sure to show your results.
• Interpret the discriminant function or functions.
• Write a results section based on your analysis in APA style.

Part 2. In two or three paragraphs, explain what the Box’s M, the canonical correlation, the Chi-square, standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients, structure matrix, and the classification statistics mean and how they are interpreted.


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